Well, for some reason people don't consider a Gin and Tonic a cocktail, yet a rum and coke is a cocktail only because it has a name - Cuba Libre. Either way, a vodka, tonic and bitters is a mixed drink, and since cocktails have come a long way from being a spirit, sugar and bitters, I don't see why it can't be included on this blog.
I got the idea for this drink from Fleming's Thunderball, where James Bond orders one in Nassau. I actually prefer it to a gin and tonic, and not simply because you 'can't taste' the vodka. It just seems to be more pleasant.
- 1 or 2 shots vodka
- squeeze of lime juice
- several dashes of Angostura or Fee Brothers' Old Fashioned Bitters to taste
- top up with tonic water
Garnish with some lime wheels.
Photo: Phil
One of the reasons I like this drink so much is that it is like a quality canvas to display the bitters. While Angostura is perfectly reasonable, I just love the Fee Brothers' bitters - from America I might add. However, I spied them on Nick's wines, an Australian online bottleshop recently. This drink also works with Peychaud's bitters, but they're even harder to find.